Opening Hours

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Opening Hours Pack Contains "Sorry we are closed" 3mm foamex and 5mm Foamex Opening Hours Sign

To replace "Sorry We are Closed" for the shutters the sign is now sold in two pieces. To replace both you need to choose "sorry we are closed (both)"

To change opening hours, you will also need to replace any sentinel covers with new opening hours where they are displayed. Please select the number of replacement covers to replace those with opening hours on that you require.

If you are not sure which sentinels you have then please go to the Admin site and the maintenance details tab in site document store you will find your signage trail.

Opening Hours Pack Contains "Sorry we are closed" 3mm foamex and 5mm Foamex Opening Hours Sign

To replace "Sorry We are Closed" for the shutters the sign is now sold in two pieces. To replace both you need to choose "sorry we are closed (both)"

To change opening hours, you will also need to replace any sentinel covers with new opening hours where they are displayed. Please select the number of replacement covers to replace those with opening hours on that you require.

If you are not sure which sentinels you have then please go to the Admin site and the maintenance details tab in site document store you will find your signage trail.

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